Boise State University is committed to providing a safe and caring environment for the protection of all minors who visit the university’s campus and facilities. The Minors on Campus Program Coordinator in the Office of Institutional Compliance and Ethics works with campus departments and units to develop best practices, provide training on the protection of minors (including the code of conduct for interacting with minors), and assist camps and programs in ensuring that the appropriate background verifications and training certifications are completed.
Idaho law requires anyone who suspects child abuse and neglect to report it immediately to either (1) law enforcement or (2) the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare.
If a child may be in imminent harm, immediately dial 9-1-1 or activate a blue emergency phone located on campus.
Report Suspected Child Abuse and Neglect
For any questions or comments, please call our office at (208) 426-1731 or email directly our coordinator